April 24, 2019
Four former presidents of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) write an op-ed stating that “an independent assessment of the Court’s functioning by a small group of international experts is badly needed.”
May 10, 2019
The president of the International Criminal Court, on behalf of the heads of all organs of the court, calls for an independent, comprehensive expert review of the court’s performance.
June 13, 2019
The Bureau of the ASP holds a retreat in which several areas for review are identified. As a result, the Bureau authorizes the ASP Presidency to prepare a draft “matrix or roadmap” to identify issues to be considered and by whom.
July 15, 2019
A draft non-paper entitled “Matrix over possible areas of strengthening the Court and the Rome Statute System” is sent to all states parties, the court, and civil society. (The matrix was subsequently updated in response to comments, and is available here). The ASP Presidency says the matrix is an attempt “to distil a number of concrete and actionable issues based predominantly on informal discussions” that took place at the June 13, 2019 retreat of the Bureau.
September 12, 2019
The Presidency of the ASP prepares a draft “Terms of Reference for the Independent Expert Review of the Court” (ToR). The draft ToR sets out the areas of focus for the independent review, profiles experts should have, role of the ASP Presidency in coordinating the review, and financing options. The draft ToR and a resolution will be negotiated in the months leading up to the 18th session of the ASP.
December 2 – 6, 2019
The eighteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties is held in The Hague. At the conclusion of the session, the ASP adopts by consensus the resolution on the review of the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute system. The resolution includes the ToR for the independent expert review and list of issues to be covered in the review process.
January 2020
Independent expert prepare and organize work.
January-November 2020
The Bureau of the ASP, through its working groups, addresses aspects of the review that are not covered by the independent expert assessment.
February – March 2020
Independent experts consult with States Parties, ICC officials, and civil society.
April – August 2020
Independent experts analyze information gathered and draft reports.
June – July 2020
Independent experts present their interim report or briefing to States Parties.
September 2020
Independent experts submit final report to the Bureau and ASP.
December 7-17, 2020
The ASP holds its nineteenth session, where it considers reports from the independent experts and the Bureau, and decides on the way forward. The ASP also elects a new prosecutor, six new judges, and a new Bureau at this session.