
Judge Sebutinde: It’s very difficult to read this document.  Half of it is illegible.

Pros: Disputes that the document is illegible.

Defense: Can prosecution prove that the signature on the document is actually that of Sam Bockarie?

Pros: We will introduce documents later that have the same signature – Bockarie’s.

Judge Sebutinde: Defense can cross-examine the witness on that point later.  Our problem now is legibility, not authenticity.

Pros to IS: Are you familiar with the Lome Peace Accord?

IS: Yes.

Pros: Who is Foday Sankoh?

IS: Foday Sankoh, leader of the RUF was made Vice President of Sierra Leone. 

Pros: Asks IS to read the document.

IS: Reads document as saying that a Mr. Mohhamed Hidjazi (ph) has been authorized by the RUF to mine in Sierra Leone.

Pros: Are you familiar with Liberian diamonds?

IS: Yes.  Liberia generally has a reputation for low-quality diamonds $25-30 per carat, compared to average of around $200 or more per carat for Sierra Leonean diamonds.

Pros: When an expert examines rough diamonds, can they determine the origin?

IS: Most diamond experts say that they can identify Sierra Leonean diamonds as such, but becomes very difficult when diamonds from different places are mixed.  In most cases, professional diamond dealers cannot differentiate diamonds in a mixed batch by countries of origin.

Pros: What was Liberian diamond production in the 1990s?

IS: (Referring to report).  150-200,000 carats/year.

Pros: What year do Liberian government figures indicate was the year with highest production? 

IS: 1987.  This is an export figure.

Pros: How are Belgian import figures put together?

IS: Legal imports to Belgium have to show value of diamonds and origin.  Inspected upon import.  Belgium was recording much higher imports from Liberia than the Liberian government was reporting exports to Belgium.  As a member of the UN expert panel, I examined the invoices in Belgium and recorded the names of the exporting companies.  We located the companies in Liberia and found that the addresses either didn’t exist, or were nothing more than a name-plate on a door.  All mail to these companies was to be re-directed to the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR).