12:00 p.m. – Day 34 of the Trial – Testimony of the Prosecution Witness Foday Lansana continues

The Prosecution continued its direct examination of Prosecution Witness TF1-275 (Insider) Foday Lansana in open session. Prosecutor Christopher Santora questioned him extensively about the structure of radio operations of the RUF, and Lansana’s involvement as radio operator in Kangari Hills until 1996.

Wearing a smart Lacoste jacket, Lansana explained in great detail the technical aspect of radio operations procedures, which he was involved in putting into place for the RUF, and for which he was responsible until 1996. At times the court grew restless of these explanations, asking Santora whether the examination in chief was merely a “guide to radio operations”. Santora explained that the explanations were a necessary step in order to establish useful evidence from this and other witnesses in the future.

In addition to explaining the technical procedures of radio operations, and the system of code names (including those of Foday Sankoh, “Smile” and Sam Bockarie, “Log”), Lansana recounted the appointment of Mohamed Trawalli as acting leader of the RUF during Foday Sankoh’s trip to the Ivory Coast to attend the Abidjan peace talks, and his subsequent replacement by Sam Bockarie once Trawalli went missing in action.


  1. I am curious: you mention what the witness is wearing at trial today, but I am wondering about Mr. Taylor’s attire.

    I would also note that the prosecution is not cross-examining its own witness.

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