Update from the SCSL on Outreach in Liberia and Video Archiving

Dear Readers,

A number of people have asked questions related to (1) the list of radio and television stations to which the Taylor footage is being sent in Liberia and (2) the possibility of an archive for the daily live feed, or hosting the videos on YouTube.

Mr. Moriba, the Special Court’s press and outreach officer in The Hague, is kindly on the case for us again. He has asked his colleagues in Freetown to send him the list of radio and television stations in Liberia who receive the video summaries from the Special Court, as well as the times they are aired.  We will post them here as soon as we hear anything.

Unfortunately, he said, it is not possible to put the videos on YouTube because each trial day contains six hours of footage and the Special Court does not have the resources to be able to cut it down to the size needed for YouTube.  Meanwhile, the Special Court’s own website does not have enough bandwidth to save videos of the day’s proceedings. 

So for readers who miss a day of the webstreaming, the main option at the moment for catching up on the day’s events is through the official transcripts, which are usually posted on the Special Court’s site here: http://www.sc-sl.org/CASES/ProsecutorvsCharlesTaylor/Transcripts/tabid/160/Default.aspx, a day later.

Will be back with more when we find it out.


  1. Tracey, you are phenomenally awesome. Thanks again, for all that you are doing for us in the name of true justice. Your intent and desire to do good is just immeasurable to any acquisition of wealth. Your name will go down in history as a true lover of mankind. I say, thanks again.

    On the other hand, I don’t believe this court of this statue, lacks any resources in making sure that informations on youtube or any news outlets are disseminated. Again, this is another trick not to get the rest of the world involved, or knowledgeable about President Taylor’s trial.

    Remember, they have not told the world that Taylor was arrested at RIA in Liberia; eventhough, Liberia has no charge on him according to President Sirleaf, and they went ahead and put him on a UN helicopter by UNIMIL. They have always maintained that President Taylor was transferred from Nigeria to Sierra Leone. The bottom line is, I don’t trust this court, based on how it has conducted herself.

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